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My name is Francesco Sarraino but my friends call me Sco. I'm a media student in Toronto and I started ScoShow Media to showcase my work as well as gain exposure and experience. I do everything from podcasts to highlight tapes, to photography and short films, I even write a little. Feel free to contact me for any of your media needs and I'm sure I can work with you. Other than that thanks for visiting my site and I hope you enjoy my work.



Casy Neistat:

Ok, Tony Hawk, the great Tony Hawk, what is… what is one piece of advice you'd give to someone today whos trying to chase down their passion and turn it into something that can carry them through their whole life? It's a big question… sorry to put you on the spot.


Tony Hawk:

I think the best advice I can give is to truly do what you love, learn all aspects of it, even if the things aren't as interesting to you maybe, or as exciting, or as sexy because in the end, you’re gonna benefit from knowing all the facets of this thing that you love doing, and if you’re doing that thing the success might come. It might not come financially, but you’re gonna love what you do and to me, that's a better measure of success than money. I know people that make tons of money and their miserable, and that's not the key to happiness. The key to happiness is doing what you love and if it's not the most financially successful thing it doesn't matter because you'll love going to work every day and that's living the dream. When people say to me “How’re you doing?” I say “I’m living the dream”, and sometimes the dream takes a turn but it’s still fun.



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